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Autor: Masa Sprajcar-Rancic

Masa spends a significant chunk of time on empowering people to live more sustainably by merging her knowledge of environmental sciences with behaviour change insights. When not at work she loves spending time outdoors, so you’ll most likely find her on her bike or at her allotment.

The First "Green Deal" Funding Received By The European Innovation Council

This grant brings us closer to making oceans plastic-free again and we are grateful for the opportunity to support the...

Peter Thomson from United Nations decides to use PlanetCare filter

Peter Thomson, the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Ocean, was excited to learn about our...

Meeting Brune Poirson to Discuss the Roadmap to Achieving Zero Waste in the Oceans

Mojca, alongside Brune Poirson, NGOs, and industry leaders, discussed the implications of France’s new anti-waste...

Why Wastewater Treatment Plants are NOT the Solution for Microfiber Pollution?

We asked professor Andrej Krzan, Chief Science Officer at PlanetCare, to give you an...

PlanetCare Addresses 9 UN Sustainable Development Goals!

In a time when many doubt the common good the PlanetCare team firmly believes it is our mandate to help each other to a...

Microplastic filters soon in EU household washing machines?

At the beginning of 2018, the European Commission adopted the first-ever Europe-wide strategy on plastics –...
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