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PlanetCare Addresses 9 UN Sustainable Development Goals!

In a time when many doubt the common good the PlanetCare team firmly believes it is our mandate to help each other to a better life. We are proud and happy that our filters present an opportunity to contribute to 9 (nine!) UN sustainable goals.

These are as follows:

(3) Good health and wellbeing – plastic fibres in the food chain are not good for you and can affect your health; We prevent it!

(6) Clean water and sanitation – there should be no plastic fibres in any water; Our contribution is meaningful!

(9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure – our filters represent innovation for everyone!

(11) Sustainable cities and communities – urban areas represent a huge burden on the environment; that we help reduce!

(12) Responsible consumption and production – PlanetCare filters help mitigate negative effects of consumption!

(13) Climate action – microplastics are a danger for marine environments and the climate depends on healthy oceans; PlanetCare filters reduce the amount of microfibres released into the oceans!

(14) Life below water – plastic fibres directly hurt aquatic organisms and have negative effects through the food web; PlanetCare helps!

(15) Life on land – plastic fibres pollute land and damage terrestrial organisms as well, removed and isolated or destroyed thay can not! PlanetCare solutions contribute a great deal!

(17) Partnerships for the goals – PlanetCare depends on a network of partners to reach goals. Alone we coulcn't do much and we are thankful for friends that help us!

More information here

Masa Sprajcar-Rancic
Masa Sprajcar-Rancic
Masa spends a significant chunk of time on empowering people to live more sustainably by merging her knowledge of environmental sciences with behaviour change insights. When not at work she loves spending time outdoors, so you’ll most likely find her on her bike or at her allotment.

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