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Kategorie: PlanetCare News

PlanetCare Featured on KBS - Korean Broadcasting System!

It is really not an everyday occasion for us to be featured on KBS (Korean Broadcasting System). So forgive us, if we...

PlanetCare Wins the Energy Globe Award

Energy Globe Award recognizes PlanetCare's efforts in creating positive impact and making a...

"As Seen On" CBS News has finally come true!

Breaking news: microfiber pollution can be stopped at home....

PlanetCare Wins the Amazon Launchpad Innovation Award

PlanetCare microfiber makes a better world and creates positive...

Global Microfiber Pollution Research: People Want Washing Machines to Stop Polluting the Oceans [2021]

We surveyed 32,800 people around the world and found out that microfiber pollution awareness is gaining critical...

PlanetCare Wins the Zero Microplastics Challenge 2020

According to independent tests done by RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, "PlanetCare is the best microfiber filtering...

The First "Green Deal" Funding Received By The European Innovation Council

This grant brings us closer to making oceans plastic-free again and we are grateful for the opportunity to support the...

Meeting Brune Poirson to Discuss the Roadmap to Achieving Zero Waste in the Oceans

Mojca, alongside Brune Poirson, NGOs, and industry leaders, discussed the implications of France’s new anti-waste...

PlanetCare Addresses 9 UN Sustainable Development Goals!

In a time when many doubt the common good the PlanetCare team firmly believes it is our mandate to help each other to a...
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