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Peter Thomson from United Nations decides to use PlanetCare filter

Peter Thomson, the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Ocean, was excited to learn about our microfibre filter.

We met Mr. Thomson at the ChangeNOW Summit 2020 in Paris. He is dedicated to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (life below water) and was interested to hear about our microfibre filters and efforts to stop microplastics pollution. We are very excited and honored he decided to test one himself, too.

Masa Sprajcar-Rancic
Masa Sprajcar-Rancic
Masa spends a significant chunk of time on empowering people to live more sustainably by merging her knowledge of environmental sciences with behaviour change insights. When not at work she loves spending time outdoors, so you’ll most likely find her on her bike or at her allotment.

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