If you've been following PlanetCare in the last years, you already know that microplastics have been found practically everywhere in our bodies: in placentas, lungs, brain and blood. OK, plastic's in our bodies. But is it harmful? Lately, more and more research says YES.
In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers looked at how microplastics and nanoplastics in our blood vessels can influence our cardiovascular health. And the results are not very optimistic ...
The title: Microplastics and Nanoplastics in Atheromas and Cardiovascular Events, may be a bit cryptic. So here's a more down to Earth explanation: an Atheroma is in fact a plaque that forms on the walls of our blood vessels. And this is one of the modern day "killers", because plaques restrict blood flow and if dislodged can cause a heart attack or brain stroke.

TheĀ paperĀ reports researchers finding micro and nano-plastics in blood vessel plaques from 150 patients (49,3 % out of a total of 304 enrolled in the study). With a 34 month follow up the researchers found a direct connection between micro and nano-plastics in plaques with a raised likelihood of a ācomposite end point of myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke or death from any causeā.
Very rarely do we hear such a grim connection to microplastics, but perhaps it is what we need to get are act together and start reducing microplastics emissions in earnest.
At Planetcare we develop solutions that help solve the problem of microplastic pollution. As 35% of microplastics in the oceans coming from washing machines (synthetic clothes shed microfibers during washing), we have developed an easy to use and super effective microfiber filter that captures 98% of these microfibers. It's a small but effective step towards a cleaner future.
To help you become part of the solution, we prepared a special offer: a 10% discount on the PlanetCare 2.0 microfiber filter, or One Month Free for the Planetcare GO Easy subscription.