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Category: Microfiber Pollution

Microplastics and your cardiovascular system: Outlook not so good 🫣

If you've been following PlanetCare in the last years, you already know that microplastics have been found practically...

Microplastics found in animals from 1970s!

Did you know that the National Museum of Scotland holds an extensive collection of organisms? You could even call it a...

Crusaderbots: Kids are the change for a cleaner future!

In a heartwarming video call our Chief Scientist Andrej Kržan talked to a group of kids from Michigan, US. Not just...

What food contains the most microplastics?

Well, it's not a secret for a while ... food contains microplastics. And because no one would willingly eat plastic, we...

INTERVIEW: Mojca Zupan, CEO and Founder of Planetcare

In October, PlanetCare attended the Sustainable Ocean Alliance Ecopreneir Activation summit. We must admit, that is was...

70% of ocean microplastics come from clothes, textiles & fishing gear

Since 1973, every year experienced sailors on board cutting edge sailboats participate in a sailing race around the...

The dark secret of fast fashion

It’s that time of year when a shift in seasons is very obvious - from warm and cozy (and it’s been really warm this...

Think twice before eating snow

Microplastics have now been found practically everywhere on our planet and these tiny troublemakers have found their...

Your brain could be 0.5% plastic

Research in the effects of microplastics on human health is evergoing and not a month passes without a new finding in...

Plastic Free July Q&A 5/5

The final edition of our Plastic Free July comes with 4 new questions and answers about (micro)plastics that were sent...
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