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Kategorie: Verschmutzung durch Mikrofasern

Pollution Map: Discover the Many Places Where Scientists Found Microfibers

See an interactive map with places where scientists found microfiber pollution - sadly, that's all around the world....

Your Clothes May Be After You: How Microfibers Affect Human Health

Microfibers are everywhere, including in our bodies. Learn how they got there and what health risks these plastic...

What is Microfiber Pollution and How Can We Stop It

Our synthetic clothes hide a dirty little secret. Each time we wash them, hundreds of thousands of tiny microfibers...

France The First To Introduce Mandatory Microfibre Filters On Washing Machines From 2025

Legislative steps in the fight against plastic microfiber pollution are crucial. Here's how France is leading the way....

Why Wastewater Treatment Plants are NOT the Solution for Microfiber Pollution?

We asked professor Andrej Krzan, Chief Science Officer at PlanetCare, to give you an...

Microplastic filters soon in EU household washing machines?

At the beginning of 2018, the European Commission adopted the first-ever Europe-wide strategy on plastics –...
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