In a heartwarming video call our Chief Scientist Andrej Kržan talked to a group of kids from Michigan, US. Not just any kids, but the fantastic team Saint William Crusaderbots which includes Anna (10), Julia (9), Luke (9) and Avery (9).
They are an active First Lego League Challenge Robots Team in Walled Lake, Michigan USA. The FLL theme for this season was ‘Submerged’ and they came up with a solution to help aid in ocean preservation.
Their idea was to reduce microplastics from our waterways by filtering them out from washing machines waste water. As they themselves put it - this is a great idea that could save more than 420 trillion microplastics from entering the USA bodies of water each year alone.
Once they started conducting research on their solution they noticed that PlanetCare already had a product that aligned with their idea!
So they decided to write to us and ask if we had the time to talk to them about their proposal and about our filter. And Andrej, a father of three himself and a professor, made the time! In fact, he was very glad to have touched base with this brilliant group of youngsters.

So what did they think the most important features of any filtering solution are? In an instant they came up with a proposal: make it better and more easily accessible:
1. The filter should be smaller. (For installation purposes, that is.)
We agree! But a smaller filter has a smaller filtering capacity so it’s less durable. Would the users want to change the cartridge more often? Our insights show they would not.
2. The filter should be cheaper. (For everyone to be able to afford it.)
We definitely agree, as with any device scaling makes it cheaper. So when moving from thousands of users to hundreds of thousands we promise, it’s going to be much cheaper. We are all about impact and that is a promise. So spread the word! But also – with our filter you get a lot for the money you pay. A healthier planet.
3. The filter should be durable. (That, it is)
Still, we are constantly researching new filtering media to make it happen and not to jeopardise the extremely high efficiency.
4. The filter should be easy to install. (That it also is, we think)
When we did our own research this was the most important second though people had before the purchase. People are scared they would need a plumber and hours of work. In reality it takes 10 minutes and everyone can do it, and we do mean everyone!:)
So in essence, the kids have summarized what we have been striving towards the whole time, since our first filter prototype has been engineered. To make the filter affordable, efficient and practical. We are doing our best and trying to bridge the gap between the desires and actual possibilities as good as we can, and we are fully aware there is always room for improvement. Working on it, boys and girls, working on it!
The Crusarderbots team also presented the results of a survey they conducted in their community on the awareness of microfiber pollution and solutions. The results again proved very much in line with what we have researched a few years back. A relatively low awareness, but high purchasing intentions with those who have familiarized themselves with the topic and the solution.
What else was discussed?
Oh, yes, how you can spot the microfibers with a naked eye. Have you ever tried the experiment at home? It is easy and enlightening, to say the least. Prof. Kržan suggested the kids wash a fleece blanket, or similar in a bath tub. Then before they drain the water, take a white cloth and put it over the drain of a bath tub. The water flows through the white cloth and through the drain. But what remains on the white cloth – are microfibers. (and possibly some dirt remnants, depending on how soiled the fleece was)
Easy. All you need is a bath tub, white cloth and something made of fleece. Most of these items are readily available in every household. Also the fleece, unfortunately…
And what was the resume of this charming conversation?
The future is bright. If we can count on kids like Anna, Julia, Luke, and Avery then we are in good hands. They want microfiber filters to be integrated into every washing machine! So do we. And the safest and fastest way there is in regulation, so please, join the kids and us in writing your MPs and local representatives and demand the change. Every little step counts, we just need to take them!