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Author: Masa Sprajcar-Rancic

Masa spends a significant chunk of time on empowering people to live more sustainably by merging her knowledge of environmental sciences with behaviour change insights. When not at work she loves spending time outdoors, so you’ll most likely find her on her bike or at her allotment.

Ocean Hero: Ava on why it’s never too early to start living sustainably

After learning about plastic pollution, Ava was determined to do everything in her power to jump off the plastic...

Ocean Hero: Richard and sustainability on the go

Richard, an Ocean Hero and a true nature lover lives in a van to enjoy nature at its fullest and finest. Read how van...

October Is For Oceans 2021: Celebrate With These Inspiring Movies, Books, Podcasts, and People

'October is for Oceans' is observed every October to create awareness about microfiber pollution and to celebrate our...

PlanetCare is the finalist of the Slovenian Environmental Awards

PlanetCare was one of the three finalists receiving recognition for the positive impact our microfiber filters have on...

Ocean Hero: Meg on making sustainability fit your lifestyle

Meg, an Ocean Hero and the founder of ‘Discover Your Shade of Green’ shares what led her to living sustainably and...

An Interview with Cassia Patel: Fast Fashion and Microfiber Pollution

An interview with Cassia Patel, Oceanic Global's Program Director and an activist for heathly...

PlanetCare Wins the Amazon Launchpad Innovation Award

PlanetCare microfiber makes a better world and creates positive...

Ocean Hero: Carol on Hope and the Power of Collaboration

Carol, Ocean Hero and the founder of ‘One Bag Beach Clean’ shares how it’s never too late to start living...

Ocean Hero: Eve and the 'Leave It Better' Community

Eve, one of PlanetCare's Ocean Heroes, shares her sustainability journey and explains why living sustainably...

An Interview with Benjamin Von Wong: Using Art to Fight Plastic

An interview with Benjamin von Wong, a Canadian artivist who uses art to fuel positive environmental...
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